Vape Guides
How Does CBD Make You Feel?
CBD has continued to steadily grow in popularity over the past several years. Between the potential to treat chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and even certain kinds of addiction, CBD has developed a large, loyal following and is likely here to stay!
For those that are new to CBD, they may have concerns about how it will physically make them feel. Many people who have tried medical marijuana can't tolerate the strong high it often provides, and those looking to CBD may have similar concerns. How does CBD make you feel, and what effects should a new user be most aware of?
In this article, the experts will give you the details of some of the benefits of CBD, how CBD physically makes you feel, in addition to a variety of answers to common concerns new users have.
What Is CBD Vaping?
CBD vaping is used to describe ingesting CBD specifically through a vaporizer. You can find disposable vaporizers pre-filled with CBD oil, disposable cartridges with CBD oil, and even bottles of CBD vape juice meant for use in a box-mod and vape tank setup.
CBD vaping is one of the most popular forms of vaping due to the unique advantages it offers. If you've never vaped CBD before, consider some of the following benefits that it provides:
Easy, quick access to getting a dose of CBD
Quick physical impact (faster than swallowing tincture oil or edibles)
Cost-effective and easy to find in physical and online retailers
While CBD vaping most commonly refers to oil or vape juice setups, it can also refer to dry herb vapes that use hemp or wax vapes that use CBD concentrate.
What Are the Benefits of CBD?
CBD has the potential to offer all kinds of health benefits to its users. While the only FDA-approved treatment involving CBD is for severe seizures, there are a number of other hopeful treatments that are promising in preliminary research:
Relief From Chronic Pain and Inflammation
If you suffer from chronic pain or inflammation, CBD may offer a fantastic alternative to traditional pain management. Research suggests that CBD can be used as a powerful anti-inflammatory, including chronic conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease.
In fact, CBD as a pain management tool is one of the reasons it has grown so popular so quickly. It stands as an alternative to opioids, which can lead to addiction and other less than savory side effects.
Treatment of Depression and Anxiety
CBD may offer an alternative for depression and anxiety treatment, especially for those who struggle with the side effects of traditional selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (or SSRIs). For those that struggle with anxiety (including associated with PTSD), CBD may offer effective treatment.
Human studies involving CBD and depression are still few and far between, but studies using animal models have demonstrated that CBD may provide effective treatment of depression. It could even be effective in treating severe psychotic disorders like schizophrenia.
CBD to Treat Opioid Addiction
Opioid addiction (formally called opioid use disorder, or OUD) is difficult to treat, and current FDA-approved medications often have their own harsh side effects. Animal studies with mice showed that CBD reduced the ability of opioids to trigger the "pleasure center" of the brain and otherwise reduced the tendency to seek out more.
Treatment of Insomnia
While studies are still few in number regarding how CBD can help with sleep disorders, early research is very promising. While it requires heavier doses, studies show that CBD can have a sedating effect on those that struggle to fall and stay asleep. That same research shows that, across various sleep disorders, CBD use provided a net increase in sleep.
CBD Vape vs. CBD Oil
Flexible vaping terminology can cause confusion among those who are new to both CBD and vaping. While terms like oil or vape juice are often used interchangeably, they can also refer to two distinct products.
CBD Tincture Oil
CBD tincture oil is sold in jars with an eyedropper and is meant for oral consumption. A few drops are placed under the tongue and swallowed, often providing potent, long-lasting effects. If you can't count on vaping throughout the day (or want something that will last through the night), CBD tincture oil may prove to be a fantastic fit.
CBD Vape Juice
CBD vape juice (sometimes called vape oil or e-liquids) is a product specifically formulated for vaporization. It will usually contain a mixture of vegetable glycerin (VG) and propylene glycol (PG), which are fantastic for making vapor and terrible for consumption. You should never directly ingest vape juice, regardless of whether it has CBD.
How Does CBD Work?
CBD is one of many cannabinoids found in cannabis (THC being another popular cannabinoid). As a cannabinoid, CBD can interact with the human endocannabinoid system. This system was discovered in the 1990s, and our understanding of how exactly it works is still improving.
That being said, scientists feel somewhat certain that the endocannabinoid system can influence the following common functions:
Mood regulation
Sleep cycles
Memory formation and recall
Anecdotally, these possible functions correspond heavily with how we know THC or cannabis affects the body. Smoking weed often causes the munchies, can help relax or trigger paranoia and can affect the ability to form short-term memories.
If you have ever heard that it's essentially impossible to overdose on cannabis, its interaction with the endocannabinoid system is why. Cannabinoids don't interact with parts of your brain related to a function required for living (like your heart beating), so there's no overdose risk.
Effects of Vaping CBD
If you have never vaped CBD or cannabis, you may be curious exactly what the experience is like. While the best teacher is experience, there are some common effects you can expect to experience when you vape CBD. Since you're vaping, most will feel these effects very quickly.
If you vape a heavy dose of CBD, you'll likely feel relaxed or sleepy. If you're thinking about using CBD to help you fall asleep and stay asleep, taking several strong puffs shortly before going to bed may help you fall asleep fast! The effect happens quickly, which is why vaping CBD may be a useful tool in treating acute anxiety.
Focus or Energy
If you take a small dose of CBD, you may experience heightened focus or a little boost of energy. For some, you may also still feel the relaxing/sedating effects we described before, but they're less frequent with weaker doses.
How Does CBD Make You Feel?
How CBD makes you feel is a person-by-person experience. It will also depend on what strain of cannabis the CBD is derived from (unless you are consuming CBD-isolate products) since different levels of background cannabinoids and terpenes can affect your overall experience.
In general, most can expect to feel the following when using CBD products:
If you take too much CBD too quickly, you may experience more negative feelings. While less common, they can occur. If you experience these, think about adjusting your CBD dosage or how fast you take it in:
Again, CBD impacts different people in different ways. We recommend starting with a low dose and working your way up to a level that feels good!
How Long Does It Take to Feel CBD After Vaping?
The time will vary from user to user, as well as how strong your dose is. However, most people who vape CBD will feel some kind of effect within 15-30 minutes after their first puff. When you inhale the vapor, CBD is absorbed through your lungs directly into your bloodstream, which is why it hits so much more quickly than if you eat an edible or swallow oil from a tincture.
If you have waited within that time frame and you feel little to no effect, take another puff! You may need several hits of CBD vapor, especially if you are using CBD to treat acute pain. As long as you take it slow, try slowly increasing your CBD dosage until you feel a solid effect.
Does CBD Get You High?
CBD does not get you high. The substance found in cannabis that is responsible for the traditional high users feel is THC, which is a psychoactive cannabinoid. Full-spectrum CBD products (or products that have the "full-spectrum" of cannabinoids found in cannabis) will have trace amounts of THC. These trace amounts are not enough to give a user any kind of high.
CBD can produce some physical effects that could impair you. While you won't be intoxicated (like with alcohol or THC), strong sedative effects may be a problem if you need to use CBD throughout the day. As we've said, when you start using CBD, start with low doses and work your way to comfortable amounts.
Will CBD Vape Make Me Fail a Drug Test?
It is possible that certain CBD products will cause you to fail a drug test. If you are drug tested regularly, it is vital that you understand the difference between full-spectrum CBD and CBD isolate.
What Is Full-Spectrum CBD?
We mentioned full-spectrum CBD earlier, but it's good to highlight it here again. Full-spectrum CBD products contain mostly CBD and trace amounts of other cannabinoids and terpenes found in cannabis. If you use full-spectrum products on a regular basis, you may test positive for THC use, even if you have only been using legal products.
If you have been using a dry herb vaporizer with hemp, consider that a full-spectrum product, too. For those looking to enjoy CBD but need to avoid any amount of THC whatsoever, then consider CBD isolate products.
What is CBD Isolate?
As the name implies, CBD isolate has "isolated" CBD. That means it is the only cannabinoid present, including small, trace amounts. True CBD isolate won't test positive on a drug test (because there isn't any THC at all), but you need to be sure you are buying from a brand that is selling real CBD isolate and not a knock-off.
Reputable brands that sell CBD isolate will have laboratory tests available demonstrating that their product is pure. You can also expect to pay much more for CBD isolates than full-spectrum products since the refining process for isolates is much more labor-intensive. Cost aside, CBD isolate offers a great solution for those that want to use CBD but can't risk failing a drug test.
CBD is a product that so many consumers have come to love. It's important that you buy from reputable brands that offer genuine CBD and have the lab reports to prove it. This becomes even more important if you are seeking out CBD isolate in order to avoid failing drug tests. If a price seems too good to be true, it likely is!
Many vapers that can safely enjoy full-spectrum products look to vaping hemp in a dry herb vaporizer since it offers a cost-effective, potent source of CBD. For those looking for tasty, potent puffs of hemp, we recommend using the Firefly 2+. It uses premium convection heating to create consistent, delicious puffs of vapor for hemp or your favorite dry herb!
Photo Credit: Elsa Olofsson
THC Dosage: Finding the Right Dose For You
One of the biggest learning curves for those new to THC is finding the right "dosage." The right amount of THC will vary from person to person for a lot of different reasons (like weight, experience with THC, and even your genetic disposition). Even how you take THC, either through an edible or vaping, can change how much you end up using.
It's important to know how to find the best dosage for you without taking too much (since it can be difficult to sober up from weed). In this article, we'll talk about some general dosing guides to help you get started, what you can do if you think you're too high, and some possible benefits from regularly taking THC.
How Strong Is Your Cannabis-Infused Edible?
Edibles are a fantastic way to enjoy some of the benefits of THC while avoiding some of the harms of smoking it. However, edibles are notorious for providing beginners with an unexpectedly strong high (which we'll talk about more in-depth a bit later). For now, you need to make sure you understand the strength of your edible.
Edibles, THC oils, and THC tinctures that are sold in legal dispensaries will have the THC concentration clearly labeled in milligrams (mg). You'll need to do some basic math to determine how much THC is in each edible gummy or cookie or how much is in a single tincture of THC oil. Fans of CBD (another common cannabinoid) will be used to this labeling.
Take a look at this picture of a bottle of CBD gummies. Note that the bottle provides the total THC available while also telling how much is in each gummy:
Beginners will want to be sure that they know how much is in each gummy to prevent taking too strong of a dose.
Edibles THC Dosing Chart
What's the Recommended Standard Dosage of THC?
When we talk about "standard dosages" of THC, it's important to keep in mind that each person has a different experience when taking THC. Some need much stronger doses, others need much less, and some may not be able to get high from edibles at all. Keep that in mind as you begin to find your ideal dose of THC.
Having said that, there are professional recommendations of standard dosages. One study suggested starting patients with 2.5mg of THC, increasing the dose by 2.5mg as needed to a maximum of 40mg a day. Keep in mind that this was part of a formal treatment plan that included other cannabinoids, like CBD.
In general, a single dose that has 5mg to 10mg of THC is usually seen as a "standard" dose. Beginners can usually start at around 5mg without running a risk of getting uncomfortably high, but there's enough THC in 5mg that most new users will feel some kind of high. If you're concerned about getting too stoned, you can always start with 2.5mg of THC!
Recommended Dosage For Tinctures
You'll follow the same advice for tinctures as you do for edibles, with one important difference. Tinctures or oil are more bioavailable, which means they deliver more THC per dose than edibles. When you use a tincture or oil, you'll hold it under your tongue for several seconds, which allows some of the THC to pass directly into your bloodstream.
With edibles, you'll have to wait for the THC to make its way through your digestive system and liver. While edibles and tinctures are both very potent, tinctures are even more potent, so start with small doses first, like 2.5mg, especially if you're a beginner.
Recommended Dosage For Vaping
Vaping cartridges can be challenging to dose accurately. How potent a pull from a vape will depend on how big of a puff you took. Even if all of your puffs are the same, you still can't get a precision mg dosage like you can from edibles.
However, there are a few tips you can follow to find a comfortable dose. THC from vaping hits quickly, usually within 15 minutes. If you're new to vaping, take one small hit and wait until you feel how it impacts you. You'll likely want to take another hit, but vaping slowly but surely will help you land on approximately how many puffs you need for an appropriate dose.
Aside from vaping slowly, try to pull from the vape the same amount of time when you take a puff. You can even count in your head to time it. While you may not get the precision measurement for the dose, you can still calculate how many puffs you need for a comfortable high.
Recommended Dosage For Concentrates
Concentrates will be dosed similarly to how you dose with vaping. You could potentially weigh how much wax you want to vape and base your dose off of that, but it's not recommended if you are vaping concentrates for the first time. Concentrates are extremely potent, and we suggest you start out slow and steady to find how many puffs you need.
Once you become more comfortable with concentrates, you can start weighing wax before you vape and base your dose off how much wax you can safely vape at once.
Recommended Dosage For Flower
Flower also presents challenges to dosing, but it's actually much easier to dose flower than vaping or concentrates. When you vape flower, all of the buds in the heating chamber are usually exhausted (unlike concentrates). You can weigh your flower to get a more accurate dose, but don't feel pressured to clear a heating chamber if you're just starting to use flower.
Vaping flower will hit quickly like vaping cartridges, so we recommend taking a small hit and seeing how it impacts you. As you get more comfortable with the high, you can start thinking about measuring flower to get a more precise dose.
You will need a sensitive scale that will measure to the tenths or hundredths of a gram, but if you don't want to invest in equipment, you can always measure by the pinch. It won't be as precise, but it will still be a better overall gauge than measuring puffs from vaping cartridges or concentrates.
What's a Safe Amount of THC to Consume?
While you can have an uncomfortable experience taking too much THC, there's not a danger of overdoses like with opioids or stimulants. Instead, users will want to avoid taking so much THC that they experience negative side-effects, which includes:
Rapid changes in mood
Unfortunately, the amount of THC to experience the more negative side-effects varies widely from person to person. Like we mentioned earlier, your genetic predisposition can impact how THC affects you, but it also depends on the specific edible product, even if THC concentration is the same.
Different strains of marijuana impact people in different ways and many edible products include a full spectrum of cannabinoids and terpenes, not just pure THC. The way these compounds interact can affect your high, which can make specific dosing recommendations difficult.
For beginners, starting off with a low amount of THC (2.5mg - 5mg) is the best way to find a comfortable dosage without getting too high.
How Long Does It Take to Feel Cannabis Edibles?
The time it takes to feel edibles will also vary from person to person. However, most users can expect to feel some kind of high between 30 minutes to an hour after an edible has been eaten (though it can be longer for some). This is in stark contrast to vaping weed, which usually kicks in around 10 minutes (and in some cases, within the first couple of puffs).
The reason why it takes such an extended period of time to feel edibles is because of how our body metabolizes THC. Our livers turn THC into 11-Hydroxy metabolite, which gets you high like THC but is far more potent. This is one of the reasons seasoned weed vapers with high THC tolerances will look to edibles to get a stronger, more satisfying high.
The delay is also a reason that edibles are notorious for making beginners too high. Again, starting with those low 2.5mg - 5mg doses is an ideal way to experiment with edibles without having an adverse experience.
How Long Does It Take to Feel Tinctures?
You're looking at a similar time frame to feel tinctures or oils when compared to edible, which is 30 minutes to an hour. While some of the THC will be absorbed through your mouth when you hold the oils or tinctures under your tongue, you still have to wait for the THC to make its way to the liver to become 11-Hydroxy metabolite.
How Long Does It Take to Feel Vaping Cartridges?
Vaping will hit you pretty quickly, usually within 15 minutes. The THC goes into your bloodstream directly from your lungs, so you'll feel the high quickly. This makes it easy to get used to vaping, since you can vape slowly and quickly see whether or not you want to vape more.
How Long Does It Take to Feel Concentrates?
Since concentrates are vaped, you'll feel them quickly, usually within 15 minutes. Unlike vaping flower or vape cartridges, concentrates are extremely potent. They not only hit fast but also hit hard. Make sure to vape slowly when you vape concentrates for the first time.
How Long Does It Take to Feel Flower?
As with cartridges and concentrates, flower will also hit within 15 minutes. How high you get will depend on the concentration of THC in the flower. Vaping flower has the benefits of enjoying other natural cannabinoids in cannabis (like CBD), so the high you'll feel might be different when compared to vaping cartridges or concentrates.
What Is a Good MG Dose for Edibles?
While a good dose for each person is different, looking at "standard" dosing advice can be a useful benchmark for future edible sessions. While new uses should start a low dose regardless of the kind of experience they want, the following will be helpful in guiding new users when they experiment with more potent edibles:
1-5mg Edible Dosing
As we've mentioned, this is a great starting place for beginners. If you start at 2.5mg or less, you may not even feel a ‘high’ (but you may experience some benefits, like increased appetite or decreased anxiety). Most users feel something at 5mg, but this dosage can be too light even for those that are brand new to edibles.
Regardless, we recommend starting no higher than 5mg for your first edible experience (remember, you can always work your way up to more potent doses!)
5mg-10mg Edible Dosing
This is where almost all beginners will feel a decent high, especially at the 10mg level. Feelings of euphoria and increased appetite are common, as well as general relaxation. The 10mg level is a common dose to help with falling and staying asleep.
If you're new to edibles or THC tinctures and 5mg didn't do much for you, then 10mg is a great dose to try next. It will be significantly stronger without running the risk of being too potent.
10mg - 20mg Edible Dosing
This range is very potent for beginners (and far too potent for many). This is especially true with the 15mg - 20mg range, which is a rare place for beginners to start. If you are an experienced cannabis user, 15mg is a great place to start, but you'll likely end up in some of the higher MG ranges.
Effects at this level can help some users with acute pain, significant sleep problems, or other users with chronic pain problems.
20mg-30mg Edible Dosing
This range will be debilitating for nearly any beginner. However, for experienced THC users, this may be the ideal range for providing a strong, satisfying high (especially if THC tolerance has taken the edge off of vaping cannabis). Even intermediate cannabis users might find this level too high, and those that take it can expect the high to last several hours.
30mg-50mg Edible Dosing
Experienced users with a strong THC tolerance will often look to this range for potent, long-lasting effects. This is especially true for users with acute, chronic pain or for those that need help sleeping through the entire night. For the majority of users, 50mg will cause sleepiness and strong pain relief (though you can expect a strong case of the munchies, too).
This range is usually reserved for users that have severe, chronic conditions (like cancer or Crohn’s disease). It is incredibly potent, and if you don't already have a significant tolerance to THC, it's almost certain you'll experience the negative effects of taking too much THC we mentioned earlier.
Some users may end up working their way to this dosage level, but no one should start at this level. The majority of users that take edibles or THC tinctures will never regularly take doses at this level.
What Is a Good MG Dose For Tinctures?
You can use the above guide pretty closely for oils or tinctures. You can measure tinctures in mg doses, just like edibles, though you'll have to pay close attention to the included dropper. If you're using tinctures for the first time, try taking a dose that is 5-10% weaker than your normal edible dose, since tinctures get more THC into your bloodstream than edibles do.
What Is a Good MG Dose For Cartridges, Concentrates, and Flower?
Unfortunately, you won't be able to measure out precise mg doses with cartridges, concentrates, or flower. You can consider weighing your wax or bud before loading it into the heating chamber, but we recommend you vape slowly and find how many puffs work best for your needs.
Can You Overdose on THC? What Happens if You Take Too Much?
We mentioned earlier that it's basically impossible to overdose from THC. In this book, Weed: The User's Guide, David Schmader discusses the data he gathered from experts about how much THC someone would need to consume for a lethal dose. The result?
"...A fatal dose of marijuana would require ingestion of fifteen hundred pounds in fifteen minutes."
Users can rest assured that you aren't going to have a lethal overdose of marijuana. That doesn't mean you can't have an unpleasant experience from taking too much too quickly, though. As we said earlier, getting too high can make you feel anxious, paranoid, nauseous, and can even cause irrational thoughts or hallucinations.
If you start off with low doses and work your way up to a comfortable THC level, then your chances of ever getting too high are pretty slim.
What Are the Benefits of Taking Small Amounts of THC Regularly?
We've spent a lot of time talking about what can happen if you get too high, but there's also a lot of great, potential benefits for those that take small amounts of THC regularly. Here are some benefits that users may experience:
Chronic pain relief (helping people to transition off of opioid painkillers)
Nausea relief (especially among cancer patients going through chemotherapy)
Muscle spasm control
Appetite stimulant
Again, these are possible outcomes. Research into how THC affects the body is still new, so it's hard to make concrete health claims. For many users, they may find relief from a variety of health conditions through moderate use of THC edibles.
Tips For Relieving Overconsumption of Edibles
Even if you're careful, you may have an experience where you have eaten too potent of edibles too quickly. If you ever feel as though you're too high, there are several steps you can take to help sober up from weed. Here are a few to keep in mind when taking edibles:
Move to a comfortable environment, stay calm, and remind yourself that you are not in any physical danger. You can't overdose on weed.
Take a strong dose of CBD (double the dose you had of THC). Some research suggests that CBD might take the edge off of a THC high.
Chew on some lemon rinds. Lemons have limonene, which may help calm you down if you are feeling panicky during your high.
Aside from those tips, make sure to drink plenty of water, grab some snacks, and allow the THC to work its way out of your body.
Tips For Relieving Overuse of Tinctures, Vape Cartridges, Concentrates, and Flower
Fortunately, the tips for helping calm down a high that is too strong are the same regardless of what form of cannabis you consumed. If you're too high from vape cartridges, concentrates, or flower, you can rest assured knowing that their high is short-lived compared to tinctures and edibles.
Try to get comfortable, take some CBD, if available, and you'll start to come down from your high before you know it!
Vape Guides
Guide to Different Types of Vapes and Vaping Devices
Types of vape
Beginners to vaping often feel overwhelmed and confused by the types of vapes available on the market today. Even veterans can get confused when discussing the variety of vape pens, box mods, and devices designed to cater to particular substances or vaping styles. You are not alone in your confusion.
Below, the vaping experts explain the variety of devices you can find when shopping for a vape. These explanations are fantastic for helping you narrow down your choices when shopping for your first vape (or even a second or third device). By the time you're done reading, you'll be a bit of an expert yourself.
How to Vape
Of course, before you start looking into different kinds of vapes, it's helpful to understand what you need to vape. There are three primary components you have to vape:
Vaporizer battery
Heating chamber/atomizer
Vaping substance (for example, e-liquid or cannabis)
It's easy for beginners to buy a device that looks complete but is missing a vital component to function. It is especially true with e-liquid vapes (like box mods), which are regularly sold without an included atomizer (this is the component that vaporizes the e-liquid).
It is why we recommend that beginners start with a vape kit. These kits will have everything you need to begin vaping (aside from your preferred substance), so you won't have any undue delays because you forgot a battery or atomizer.
Dry Herb Vapes and Wax Vapes
Dry herb and wax vapes (often designed for use with marijuana flower or extract) are rarely sold without heating chambers, so the likelihood of you buying a device for either one of these substances and that device lacking a necessary component) is very low. However, you should read the product description carefully or reach out to the manufacturer if you are unsure what else might be needed.
Different Kinds of Vapes
Not only are there different kinds of vapes for specific vaping substances, but there are also different styles of vapes that cater to the same substance. Take a look below to see if there's a specific style or design that catches your eye! Some vaporizers can vape your choice of oil, dry herbs, or wax (with a few attachments and accessories).
Oil Vapes
Oil vapes (often referred to as e-liquid vapes) are the oldest style of vaporizer available. The majority of oils vapes are designed to use e-liquids that have been infused with nicotine, though there are e-liquids available that are nicotine-free. Oils vapes can also use CBD and THC oils, which we will discuss later in this article.
Direct-to-Lung (DTL) and Mouth-to-Lung (MTL) Vapes
Within oil vapes, you'll see choices that are often labeled as DTL or MTL designs. This means the device is designed with one or two options in mind. DTL means the device is designed to breathe vapor directly from the device into their lungs with no interruption (so it goes straight to your mouth).
Second, MTL vapes are designed for the user to draw vapor into their mouth, hold it, and then inhale it. DTL designs are prevalent with large-capacity atomizers designed for e-liquid vaping since it's much easier to create vast plumes of vapor. MTL designs are usually found with devices designed for more viscous oils, like CBD or THC oils.
Dry Herb Vapes
Dry herb vapes will come in two standard designs: convection or conduction. Conduction vapes use a heating element to make direct contact with your dry herb to vaporize it. Unfortunately, this leads to uneven heating, so unless you want to get a mouthful of ash, you'll need to stir your dry herb occasionally as you vape.
Convection vapes use super-hot air for baking your dry herb, which creates the vapor you can inhale. Convection vapes work just like convection ovens, so heat is distributed evenly throughout the heating chamber. This is an excellent choice if you try to target specific cannabinoids or terpenes or simply want a higher-end vaping experience.
Wax Vapes
Wax vapes will have a variety of different features, but their core function will be the same. They will have a heating chamber where wax is loaded directly onto heating coils. Those heating coils vaporize the resin, which is then inhaled.
Cannabis and CBD Vapes
With cannabis increasingly becoming more popular and legal throughout the world, cannabis and CBD vapes are rising. There are all kinds of different methods to enjoy your preferred cannabis products, ranging from simple and budget-friendly to powerful, high-end devices with complete suites of features.
THC and CBD Oil Vape Pens
The simplest devices you'll find for cannabis are THC and CBD oil vape pens. These vaporizers will either be preloaded and disposable (like the Firefly Mini) or a permanent battery that attaches to disposable, pre-filled cartridges.
This style of vaporizer is small and discrete, which makes them ideal choices for vaping on the go without drawing attention to yourself. Most CBD or THC vape pens will have some kind of variable heat options, so you can tinker with different oils to see which temperature creates your preferred vapor.
Portable Dry Herb Vaporizers
Portable dry herb vaporizers will usually be bulkier than THC or CBD vape pens. This is because dry herb vapes have a large heating chamber to hold the dry herb, which necessitates a larger size. While you can find dry herb vapes that are extra petite, you'll be trading performance and vapor quality for a more discrete size.
While these devices are typically designed for only dry herbs, some models have attachments available to accommodate e-liquids. These attachments are called dry herb vape tanks, which can be filled with your choice of e-liquid and then inserted into the device's heating chamber.
THC and CBD Wax Vapes
Earlier, we discussed wax vapes, which are growing in popularity among cannabis fans. Wax offers a more concentrated hit in a shorter amount of time, making wax an ideal choice for long-term cannabis fans or those with acute pain. While the availability of THC wax will vary depending on your state or country, CBD waxes are widely available.
What Is a Vape Pen?
A vape pen is a small, portable device that combines a battery with some heating element to produce vapor. While vape pens started with nicotine-infused e-liquids, they are widely used to enjoy THC and CBD oils.
Vape pens offer a unique design advantage over larger, more powerful devices. Since vape pens are so slim and petite, they are easy to travel with and easy to use in public. For vapers that either want or need to use their device throughout the day, vape pens have proven to be a popular choice.
Different Types of Vape Pens
As we've mentioned, there are all kinds of different vape pens you can choose from. Each has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and which one you choose will be based on which fits your expectations the best.
Fixed Voltage
Fixed voltage vape pens do not allow for variable voltages or temperature changes. Usually, entry-level and budget-friendly vape pens will fall into the fixed voltage category. This is especially true of disposable vapes and draw-fire vapes that may have their features stripped down.
Fixed voltage devices are great for beginners or as temporary travel devices. However, the majority of vapers will quickly outgrow a fixed voltage style.
Sub-Ohm Tanks
More experienced users that enjoy e-liquid vaping will regularly end up with devices that have sub-ohm tanks. These tanks have electrical resistances of less than 1 ohm, which means electricity can flow extremely easily. When you can get a bunch of power delivered to the atomizer at once, you'll get enormous vapor production, which cloud chasers love.
In the past, sub-ohm tanks were difficult for beginners. The lack of safety features made it easy to fry tanks that weren't designed to take on so much electricity so quickly. However, modern sub-ohm tanks are usually paired with a box mod, which includes a chipset that has automatic safety features to help prevent this kind of damage.
There are some vape pens that can use sub-ohm tanks, but usually, box mods are a better pairing.
Variable Voltage
Most mid-level vape pens have the option of some kind of variable voltage. You can usually find the option to adjust the voltage at the bottom of the pen via a turn-style switch, or you can adjust the voltage by rapidly pressing the power button once the device is turned on. The higher the voltage, the hotter your vapor will be!
Variable Temperature
Variable temperature vape pens and variable voltage vape pens are essentially the same, with one minor difference. A variable temperature vape will actually show you temperature options (by degrees), while a variable voltage vape will show you the specific voltage you have chosen.
It's common for e-liquid vape pens to have variable voltage and for dry herb vapes to have a variable temperature, even though the end result is the same. Higher-end vapes will usually have variable temperature options (often with degree-by-degree choices), especially in box mod style vapes.
E-cigarettes are the earliest form of vape pens since vapes were initially designed to stop smoking traditional tobacco. They are made to look and feel like cigarettes, giving them the smallest vaping design currently available.
Since they are so small, e-cigarettes are usually stripped of features. They will almost always feature a draw-fire design (which we will discuss in the next section) and are almost always disposable.
Draw-Fire Vape Pens
Draw-fire vape pens don't have any physical buttons and usually lack any kind of variable temperature features. Instead, the device powers when the use begins to draw in air, creating vapor in real-time. When the device is no longer in use, it will automatically shut off. You can find draw-fire vape pens in both traditional and disposable designs.
Pod Vapes
While many vapes use a 510 threaded connection to use oil cartridges, pod vapes offer a different solution. Most pod vapes will use proprietary "pods" pre-filled with e-liquid, which are then placed into a specific kind of vaping device. These devices are very user-friendly, making them popular among beginner vapers.
A pod vape's design offers unique drawbacks and benefits. Since the design is proprietary, only certain pods will work within a specific pod device (usually, both the pods and the vaporizer are made by the same company or brand). This will significantly limit your ability to choose an e-liquid that might be right for you, as you will be limited to what the manufacturer has selected to produce.
However, a unique benefit of pod vapes is that they often come in unique designs not typically seen in the vaping world. If you want to vape and don't want people to recognize your device as a vaporizer, a pod device may be precisely what you're looking for.
Traditional Vape Pen
Most vaping beginners are familiar with the traditional vape pen design. It features a cylindrical battery that uses 510 threading to connect to oil cartridges. These cartridges are typically disposable, though refillable 510-skinny cartridges are available for those that don't mind the refilling process.
Box Mods
Finally, one of the most popular vaping devices is box mods. Box mods have a large-capacity battery and all kinds of different features, including precision heating options. They are compatible with a wide range of attachments and vape tanks, making them a popular choice for experienced vapers.
What are the Common Characteristics of a Vape Pen?
Keep in mind that vape pens will vary depending on what brand you get, but most vape pens share common qualities. Knowing the common factors will help you to notice devices that don't quite fit the mold, which may make them a better (or worse) fit for your vaping needs.
All vape pens have a battery. Usually, that battery is separate from the other components (though not always). The battery provides power to other components to produce vapor, and most vape pens have batteries that can be recharged. There are exceptions, like disposable vapes, that are generally designed to be thrown away instead of recharged.
Disposable vapes, draw-fire vapes, and pod vapes often have a battery that can't be separated from the other components. This makes it easier to use these vapes, but it will limit what attachments or cartridges can be used with them.
Cartridge or Tank
The tank (with the atomizer inside) is what holds and vaporizes your e-liquid or oils. Often called cartridges, they usually attach to the vape pen via a 510 threaded connection, though some devices don't allow for external attachments (especially disposable vapes or pod vapes).
Cartridges can be prefilled or refillable, but if you're using your vape pen to enjoy CBD or THC oil, they'll almost always be prefilled. If you enjoy vaping e-liquids, you'll usually have a choice of prefilled or refillable attachments.
Finally, the mouthpiece will attach directly to the cartridge, which is where you will draw vapor that is created inside the atomizer. Many mouthpieces come pre-attached to cartridges (especially if you are using prefilled options), but many will allow you to replace and customize mouthpiece options.
Are Vape Pens a Good Fit For You?
Vape pens can be convenient, easy-to-use options for vapers, but that doesn't mean they're a good fit for everyone. Consider the following general pros and cons of vape pens to try and determine whether or not they'll be a good fit for your vaping needs:
Easy to travel with
Often lack advanced features (like precision heating control)
Vape juice capacity is often small compared to options like box mods
Very few quality choices for dry herb vaping (most vape pens are for e-liquids, oils, or concentrates)
Lack a removable battery
Usually do not have replacement parts available (so if a component fails, you'll have to replace the entire device)
What is a Cig-a-Like
Cig-a-likes are the most basic kinds of vape pens you'll find. They are usually the size of a cigarette (and often designed to look like a cigarette as much as possible). If you're new to the vaping scene, you may not have seen a cig-a-like before, but veterans will be familiar. The first commercially successful vapes were cig-a-likes, though they've dipped in popularity.
Cig-a-like devices essentially have one goal: look like a cigarette. This makes them the most discreet form of vaping available since these devices are often indistinguishable from real cigarettes at a distance.
What are the Different Types of Cig-a-Likes
Since cig-a-likes are basic devices, you'll only find two real variations of these vapes: disposable and refillable. Disposable cig-a-likes have been around since the beginning of modern vaping and are still easy to find today in gas stations and grocery stores.
Refillable cig-a-likes are newer and allow users who want the convenience of a tiny vaping device without the extra expense of buying disposable devices. Most vapers who are interested in refillable devices will eventually move towards vapes with more robust features that still allow for public use without drawing unwanted attention.
What are the Typical Characteristics of a Cig-a-Like?
Whether you're using a disposable or refillable cig-a-like, the basic anatomy will be pretty similar across brands. It will also be similar to a standard vape pen, with a few minor designs and feature differences.
LED Light
Starting at the far tip, cig-a-likes usually have an LED light that shines when a hit is being taken. This serves two purposes. The first is that it allows the vaper to know that the device is on and heating vape juice. The second is that it helps complete the illusion that the device has been lit (since the LED looks like the lit end of a traditional cigarette).
The battery on a cig-a-like is very small (similar to watch batteries). You won't be able to open a cig-a-like to replace it (even on a refillable model). However, since the power needs are so low, you'll still get decent life out of a reusable cig-a-like model.
The cartomizer (which is the component that does the vaporizing) is next and contains the microprocessor and heating elements that allow the cig-a-like to create vapor. Disposable cig-a-likes often have the cartomizer and tank as a single unit to save on space, while refillable options will still connect to a cartridge like a traditional vape pen.
Finally, the mouthpiece is on the opposite side of the LED light. When you're ready for a hit, just take a draw from the mouthpiece, and a cig-a-like will use its draw-fire function to immediately begin to create vapor. It makes it easy to start and stop vaping, though the vapor production will pale in comparison to larger vape pens or box mods.
Is a Cig-A-Like a Good Fit for Me?
A cig-a-like offers a unique vaping experience when compared to other devices. While this unique experience is a draw for some, there are many who will not enjoy using this kind of device. If you're trying to decide if a cig-a-like is a good fit for your vaping needs, take a look at the pros and cons below:
Extremely easy to use (most are draw-fire activated with no adjustable features)
Discreet (designed to look like a cigarette, ideal for not drawing attention to yourself)
Safe to use
Limited vapor production
Lack of features to customize the vaping experience
Very small e-liquid capacity (will produce less vapor and run out more quickly)
What Are the Different Kinds of Box Mods?
Even within box mods, you'll find a vast variety of device choices. Some of the differences are subtle, while others create a unique vaping experience entirely.
Squonk Mods
Squonk mods offer a unique vaping design not found in any other kind of device. The vape tank is located in the body of the boxy mod and is made with soft, squishy silicone. When the device is powered on, the user squeezes the tank, which forces a rush of e-liquid onto the heating coils.
It makes an enormous amount of vapor at once, which can easily overwhelm beginner vapers. However, squonk mods are a popular choice among cloud-chasers since so much vapor is produced so quickly.
Mods with Rebuildable Atomizers (RBA)
Some box mods use vape tanks that are not designed to be opened and customized. Others use RBAs, which are designed to be opened and have internal components replaced or exchanged. They are far more work-intensive than standard vape tanks because you have to make your coils, install them, and insert a wick of your choosing.
What Are the Best Types of Vape?
There isn't an objective "best type of vape" since whether or not someone sees a particular device as good will be dependent on whether the features and functions included match specific vaping needs. In general, dry herb vapes that use convection heating and fully loaded box mods offer the complete vaping experience, but they may not fit the needs of all vapers.
It is especially true for those who need devices that are travel-friendly, budget-friendly, or discrete.
Choosing a Vape That Works Best for You
The best way to choose the vape that's best for you is to take time to consider what kind of vape would best meet your needs. If you're unsure where to start, considering asking yourself the following questions:
What's my budget?
What features are must-haves for me?
What substance do I want to vape?
Do I plan on vaping while on the go?
Take time to ask yourself these questions. It will narrow down your choices to specific styles (and maybe even specific brands) of vapes, making the process of choosing a device much more effortless.
Taking Care of Your Vape
Once you've chosen a vape and have it in hand, you need to be sure to take care of it. Make sure you:
Store it at room temperature (NEVER leave it in your car)
Do not store dry herbs or wax in the heating chamber.
Leave vapes upright to avoid leaks or spills.
Replace aging components before they fail.
These simple steps are a great way to get the most out of a vaping device!
Which types of vape is suitable for you?
There's a lot to consider when choosing a type of vape, so it's essential to take your time deciding. After all, don't you want to have an ideal device on the first buy? If you're considering a dry herb vaporizer, then take a look at the Firefly 2+. It's easy to use, offers a ton of features (including precision heating), and uses convection heating to create excellent vapor!
Thinking about a disposable THC vape pen? You'll be hard-pressed to find a better choice than the Firefly Mini. It comes preloaded with various strains and offers an incredible aesthetic design, uncommon among disposable vapes.
Vape Guides
Types of Vape Mods
There are all kinds of vape mods to choose from in today's market, which can make shopping a bit overwhelming. These differences are more than just brand or stylistic choices. You'll find unique features and uses as you explore the types of vape mods you may want. We've found that many beginners struggle to discern and choose between the different vape mods available.
Inside this article, the Firefly team discusses the different types of vape mods you can expect to find, what those mods are designed for, and how to pick the best vape mod for your vaping needs!
What Is a Vape Mod?
Originally, vape mods were "modified vaporizers." They were homemade devices (or heavily modified retail devices) designed to quickly create large plumes of vapor. These devices were used at a risk, as sparks, fires, and ruined vaping components were common.
The popularity of vape mods continued to grow, regardless of the difficulties, and eventually, mainstream vaping companies caught on. Nowadays, vape mods are high-end vaping devices with powerful batteries, plenty of precision heating features and are compatible with a wide range of vaping accessories (like vape tanks).
You should note that "vape mods" do not include all types of vapes. As you're reading, if a vape mod doesn't seem like a good fit, there are all kinds of vaping options that may be a better choice for you.
Different Types of Vape Mods
While there are a lot of sub-categories of vape mods (which we will get into later in the article), there are two major categories of vape mods you'll find on the market: regulated and unregulated mods. If you're familiar with how to use a vape pen, then some of the features of a regulated mod may look and feel familiar.
Regulated Mods
These are the mods you're most likely to see available. They're called "regulated" because there are circuit boards that act as fail-safes to prevent dangerous surges of energy coursing through your device. This can prevent damage to your battery, internal components and can prevent sparks and fires when using a powerful device.
Regulated mods have grown to dominate the market since they meet the needs of the vast majority of vaping enthusiasts, even veterans who want exceptionally large plumes of vapor created quickly and easily.
Unregulated Mods
True to their name, these are mods that do not have a circuit board inside. This means power flows directly from your battery to your vape tank (or related attachment). These devices are not for beginners. You should have extensive knowledge of vaping devices, general electrical systems, and a solid grasp of Ohm's Law before using these vapes.
When in the hands of an experienced vaper, unregulated mods can provide unmatched vapor production. However, the risk of short-circuits, discharges, and even fires is very, very real.
Two Kinds of Regulated Mods: Tube Mod and Box Mod
When you start shopping for a vape mod, box mods and tube mods will be the most common devices you run across. These are easy to find in your local vape store, dispensaries, and online e-retailers. These devices are similar but have some key differences.
Tube Mods
Tube mods look a lot like vape pens, and they essentially are! They maintain the cylindrical design that vape pens are famous for, though they usually are thicker to accommodate a larger battery. Tube mods can also accommodate sub-ohm tanks in addition to clearomizers, which makes them a great choice for experienced vapers that want a more travel-friendly device.
Tube mods can sometimes be limited with features (especially with variable heating options). However, they are often budget-friendly, and the support for sub-ohm tanks makes them a viable choice for cloud-chasing vapers.
Box Mods
Box mods, as you might expect, are usually boxy in design. They have batteries with high mAh capacity (usually 1500mAh and up) and power a variety of useful features for experienced vapers. These devices are fantastic for vapers wanting to quickly and easily create enormous vape clouds or for vapers looking to use concentrate or dry herb vaping attachments.
Box mods will have plenty of features, compared to tube mods which may only support a single heat setting or a set resistance. Most box mods will have features like:
Precision voltage control (being able to adjust the voltage by small increments)
Precision temperature control (being able to adjust the temperature by a few degrees)
Large, replaceable batteries
Support for sub-ohm tanks
Informative LED screens that show the above information in an easy-to-read manner
You'll find a lot of variations within box mods, but you can expect to find the above features in most types of vape brands.
Unregulated Mod - Mechanical Mod
When you see a mechanical mod, you may be surprised by the design. Even though they are meant for experienced vapers, these devices look very, very simple. The body of the mod will be a simple battery (usually in a cylindrical shape) that directly attaches to an atomizer. The only feature you'll find on a mechanical mod is the power button, which is used to fire hits.
Mechanical mods are used by vapers who build their own atomizers (which are called rebuildable atomizers, or RBAs) and coils. The idea is to create a highly customized vaping experience that is catered exactly to what the user wants. These unregulated setups create an unmatched amount of vapor, though they require immense expertise to properly build and use.
Are Vape Mods a Good Choice for You?
It completely depends on what you want out of a vaping device. For users who are more experienced, have a better idea of the specific features they're looking for, and are ready to pay a premium for a high-end device, vape mods can be an excellent choice. If you aren't sure what you want out of a device, we don't recommend investing in an expensive device.
However, if the common features of a vape mod (especially box mods) seem appealing, there are many entry-level options that won't break the bank. Take your time shopping and see if there's a box mod that's a fit for what you want!
Pros and Cons
If you're trying to decide if a vape mod is a good fit, consider the following pros and cons. While these specific pros and cons may vary between models or types of vape brands, it should serve as a good, general guide to helping you decide what device to buy.
Higher vapor production
Better tasting vapor
More powerful batteries for longer sessions between charges
Precision heating settings to find the perfect option for your unique vaping needs
Availability of a variety of attachments, tanks, and coils
Generally more expensive
Require more maintenance and more expertise to properly operate
Longer charge time
Batteries may be sold separately
What Is a Pod Mod?
Even though "mod" is in the name, pod mods are very different devices from vape mods. Pod mods are extremely simple, stripped-down vaping devices that are usually set apart by unique, modern-looking designs. Pod mods typically do not allow for precision heating, and most are draw-fire operated (meaning they don't have a power button).
Pod mods have grown in popularity due to their ease of use. All you do is connect a disposable or reusable pod to your device, and you can quickly begin vaping. Without the distraction of a full suite of features, pod mods are particularly popular among beginner vapers who are just getting started.
Anatomy of a Pod Mod
Pod mods have a simple anatomy, and while the specifics will vary between brands, this is what you can usually expect to find:
Disposable or refillable pod (sometimes called a cartridge)
An LED light indicating battery strength (this is often absent on lower-end pod mods)
A port for charging (usually micro-USB).
What Are the Characteristics of a Pod Mod?
Since pod mods are meant to be simple, beginner-friendly devices, most will share common traits. If the majority of these characteristics are appealing to you, then a pod mod might be the device for you!
Low Voltage
You won't get super spicy hits with pod mods. The voltage provided will be low (around 15W or below). Low voltage keeps hits cooler, though it will restrict overall vapor production.
Intended for Nicotine Users
The vast majority of pod mods are designed to use nicotine-infused vape juice (and more specifically, salt nicotine). Salt nicotine provides very potent doses (usually 20mg and higher of nicotine per cartridge). This makes them ideal for heavy smokers transitioning away from tobacco.
Pod mods are usually small and discreet, which makes them a perfect choice for vaping on the go. Many pod mods have nontraditional designs that are not easily identified. This may be an ideal choice if you're trying to vape in public without drawing a lot of attention to yourself.
Mouth to Lung (not Direct to Lung)
Most pod mods are mouth-to-lung (MTL) devices. Users first draw vapor into their mouths, then inhale the vapor into their lungs (instead of breathing vapor directly into their lungs). This is a trait that will mostly appeal to former smokers since you smoke tobacco cigarettes with a similar technique.
Are Pod Mods a Good Fit for You? Pros and Cons
Trying to decide if a pod mod might be a better choice than a vape mod? Pod mods have distinct pros and cons that will make it easy to determine if the device will be a good fit!
Portable and light
Ideal for former smokers
Low vapor production
No variable heating options
Disposable pods can get expensive
Typically designed for salt nicotine, which is very potent
What You Need to Know Before Using Pod Mods
You've read a lot of information about pod mods, so take a moment to consider some of these highlighted facts. We've talked about most of these, but it's important to keep them in mind when trying to decide if pod mods would be a good choice for your vaping needs:
Pod Mods Are For Beginners
Pod mods aren't just beginner-friendly. They are for beginners. If you're an experienced vaper and enjoy using box or tube mods, you are going to be disappointed with how limiting pod mods are.
You Pay a Premium for Convenience and a Modern Design
Pod mods have gained a loyal following being they are easy, convenient, and discreet. Unless you're using refillable pods, the cost of using pod mods is quite high. Even when compared to traditional disposable vape cartridges for vape pens, you'll see a premium price. If you're trying to vape on a budget, pod mods likely aren't for you (but there are many other great choices!)
Pod Mods Have Nicotine Users in Mind
If you don't like to vape nicotine, or are more interested in vaping THC or CBD, then a pod mod is not going to be an ideal choice. Most pod mods (disposable or otherwise) are designed to vaporize salt nicotine-infused vape liquid, so unless that's your goal, your needs will be better served looking at vape mods or even dry herb or concentrate vapes.
What Device Works Best For You?
There's no clear-cut way to quickly determine which device is right for you. You'll need to take the time to consider your specific needs and see which kind of device might be best. If you're overwhelmed with choices, ask yourself some of the following questions. It will help narrow down your choices and make it more likely you get a device you love on the first try!
What do I want to vape? (Vape juice, dry herbs, concentrates, or a combination)
What's my budget? (certain devices, like box mods, are more expensive)
Do I plan on frequently traveling with this device? (if so, consider a vape with a travel-friendly design)
What features do I want on my vape? (Do you want to be able to change the temperature, or do you want simplicity and easy use?)
Do I want a cost-effective device that needs maintenance, or am I willing to pay a premium for disposable choices?
After asking yourself these questions, you may even discover that a vape mod isn't the right kind of device for you at all. For example, if you're interested in how to vape dry herbs, then the Firefly 2+ (which is not a vape mod) may be the best fit for your needs!
Regardless, take your time to identify your needs and wants, and be patient while shopping for devices. It's the best way to find a fantastic device without a lot of trial and error!
Vape Guides
Firefly 2+ vs. Pax 3
Serious dry herb vapers know that a high-quality dry herb vaporizer is pivotal. High-end components are required to quickly create vapor while keeping the flavor crisp, clean, and authentic to your dry herb.
Some of the popular dry herb vapes include Firefly 2+, Pax 3, Crafty, etc., which are ultra portable and offer top-most quality performance. Out of these, people often draw a comparison between Firefly and Crafty or “Firefly vs. Crafty”, as both are the most trusted names in the industry. However, Firefly 2+ and Pax 3 are also highly rated and often, it can be difficult to fully understand what makes these vaporizers stand out from one another. In this article, we'll discuss everything from how these devices look, feel and perform.
By the end, you'll have the knowledge you need to make the best decision for your vaping needs.
Design and Features
One of the most obvious differences between the Pax 3 vs. the Firefly 2+ is the design. The Pax 3 is made to not look like a vaporizer at all. It's an excellent choice for those that plan on vaping in public and prefer to have a more discreet choice.
The Firefly 2+, on the other hand, is noticeably a dry herb vaporizer. While it lacks the ability to be discreet, the design allows for advantages like larger dry herb capacity and a more robust heating system.
In terms of physical features, both the Firefly 2+ and Pax 3 are simple and straightforward. The Firefly 2+ uses magnetic sealing to keep the heating chamber from accidentally opening. It also has a double-sided sensor instead of a physical button to fire the device, which significantly reduces the likelihood of the device accidentally firing while in a pocket or purse.
The Pax 3 also uses a magnetic sealing system and makes use of a traditional firing design, including a physical button. While this will be more familiar for vapers, it also increases the likelihood of accidental firing while in tight storage.
Vapor Quality and Taste
Both devices offer superior vapor quality and taste compared to other lower-end devices, though there are a few subtle differences. The Pax 3 creates fantastic vapor from dry herbs, but many users report disappointment when using the device to vape concentrates due to limited temperature options.
The Firefly 2+ shines in this category. It is consistently rated as one of the best dry herb vaporizers for taste, largely due to the advanced convection heating technology used in the device (the Pax 3 uses standard conduction heating). The Firefly 2+ also has a wider temperature range than the Pax 3, making it more ideal for concentrate vaping.
Ease of Use
Both the Firefly 2+ and the Pax 3 are extremely straightforward and easy to use. As we mentioned earlier, the Firefly 2+ uses a double sensor hold to fire the device to create vapor. The Pax 3 uses a traditional button that serves to power the device on and fires the device. Despite the design differences, both are very easy to use.
Ease of Loading Dry Herb
Both devices offer easy ways to pack your preferred dry herb. The Pax 3 just requires dry herb to be ground and tightly packed. Since this device uses conduction instead of convection, it is extremely important that the dry herb be packed as tightly as possible.
When packing the Firefly 2+, you'll want to loosely pack dry herb (instead of a super tight pack). This is because the device uses convection heating, which means air needs to be able to pass through the dry herbs. If you have packed your bowl and are struggling to pull a hit, you may have packed the bowl too tightly.
Use a Grinder
Regardless of which device you use, you must use a grinder for your dry herb. This allows heat to be evenly distributed and avoids a scenario where you have completely spent burnt ash mixed in with dry herb that hasn't vaporized yet. It will also reduce the likelihood of clogs in the vapor path, which can be tricky to fix once dry herb gets stuck in that area.
Kit and Accessories
You'll find a bit of a difference between what the Pax 3 and the Firefly 2+ offer in terms of accessories. Take a look below to see what each offer.
Pax 3 Accessories
While you need to pay a bit more to get this entire kit (usually around $50), it's worth the price to have a full suite of useful tools. You can expect to have:
Standard multi-tool to help pack and clean out the heating chamber
Concentrate insert to vaporize wax and specialty oils
Half-oven lid, which allows for partial packing of the bowl
3 replacement screens, which you'll need to keep dry herb particles from clogging the device
Firefly 2+ Accessories
The Firefly 2+ offers less in terms of accessories, but it also needs less because of its design. While other accessories are available for separate purchase, the standard kit will come with the following:
Charging dock
Cleaning kit to keep your heating chamber clean and clear of debris
Concentrate pads to vaporize wax and specialty oils
USB 3.0 Cable
Heating Performance
When you look at how these devices heat, you'll spot a major difference between the Pax 3 and the Firefly 2+. While both devices have received performance upgrades from their previous version, how the device's heat is also a primary difference when looking at the Pax 3 vs. Firefly 2.
Pax 3 and Conduction Heating
The Pax 3 uses conduction heating to create vapor. This means the dry herb needs to be in contact with the walls of the heating chamber so heat can be directly transferred, which creates vapor. It takes around 15 seconds to reach your desired temperature with the Pax 3.
Firefly 2+ and Convection Heating
The Firefly 2+ uses convection heating, which means no contact is needed between the heating chamber and the dry herb. Instead, the air is quickly heated (about 5 seconds), which is evenly distributed across your loaded dry herb. This creates a smooth, consistent vaping experience, which is why dry herb vapers overwhelmingly prefer vaporizers with convection heating.
The Pax 3's heating chamber is an enormous improvement over the Pax 2, and while it creates a solid vaping experience, it still doesn't match the quality of the Firefly 2+.
The battery life and charging time is another difference you'll see between these devices. The Firefly 2+ has a 750mAh battery, while the Pax 3 has a 3500mAh battery. The Pax 3 will allow you to vape through more bowls before you need to charge (between eight to ten, depending on your temperature settings), and the Firefly 2+ will get you through about four to six.
While the Pax 3 has a longer battery life, it also takes much longer to charge. It can take up to two hours for the Pax 3 to reach a full battery charge, while the Firefly 2+ only takes an hour. What kind of battery performance is best will depend on your preferred style of vaping.
While the Firefly 2+ has a shorter overall battery life, the design allows for the battery to be replaced (with spare batteries readily available). If you plan on vaping while traveling, having a spare battery will be a great choice to keep your vaping sessions uninterrupted.
The Pax 3 focuses on a discreet design with its mouthpiece, while the Firefly 2+ focuses on maintaining as high of a taste quality as possible. The Pax 3 offers two different mouthpiece types. The first lies flush with the body of the vape, which is ideal for discreet public vaping. The second is a silicone mouthpiece that sticks out from the body.
Which mouthpiece you choose will depend on your vaping preference. The flush mouthpiece requires your mouth to touch the body of the vape. For some, this may be uncomfortable as the body of the vape heats up during use. The silicone mouthpiece is more comfortable, though it makes it much more apparent that you are vaping.
The Firefly 2+ offers a food grade, BPA free plastic mouthpiece that extends slightly from the body of the vape. The mouthpiece connects to the glass vapor path, which means you get very crisp vapor that retains the authentic taste of your dry herb. For "flavor chasers" (vapers who value taste above all else), the glass pathway is a huge selling point for the Firefly 2+.
Cleaning and Charging
Both devices are easy to clean and charge. After each vaping session, both devices should have their heating chambers dumped out and any remaining debris removed with a cleaning tool. This will prevent resin and oil from building up inside, potentially affecting vapor quality or creating clogs within the vapor path (which are difficult to clear once present).
The Pax 3 uses a charging dock to recharge, and the Firefly 2+ uses a traditional USB plug-in. Remember, the Firefly 2+'s design allows for batteries to be swapped out, so keep that in mind if you plan to travel.
Smartphone App
Both devices make use of a smartphone app to access control of their respective heating features. The Pax 3 allows you to more easily see the five different heating options it provides. However, if you don't have access to the app, you can still select these options directly from the device.
The app for the Firefly 2+ offers an enormous range of options. Instead of cycling through a few preset heating options, the app allows users to select a heating range between 200-400F. Without the app, you're limited to cycling between 320-420F (160-215C).
If you find a setting you like, you can use the Firefly 2+ app to configure your preferred heating option as an on-device selection. That way, you can access your preferred temperatures without needing to be connected to an app at all!
Note: The app (for either device) is only accessible through Android devices or PC's. Apple banned vape-related apps in 2019 and have not yet reversed this decision.
Firefly vs Pax: A Comparison Between Firefly 2+ and Pax 3
Firefly 2+
Pax 3
Type of heating element
Heating element material
Borosilicate glass bowl
Stainless steel
About 0.15 g
About 0.3 g
Removable battery
App & bluetooth capability
Draw duration
About 10+ seconds
About 5-10 seconds
Charging duration
About 45 minutes
2-3 hours
Heat up time
3 seconds
30 seconds
Smoothness of vapor
Very good
Both the Firefly 2+ and Pax 3 offer high-end solutions to vaping dry herb. If you're having trouble deciding between the two, here's a quick summary of what each device does well:
Pax 3
Discreet design
High-capacity battery
Generous bowl capacity
Firefly 2+
Superior vapor flavor (with both flower and concentrate)
Wide range of heat preset
Super fast 3-second heat up time
Still, have questions? Let us know! We want to be sure you get the perfect device for your needs on the very first purchase.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Vape Guides
How Long Has Vaping Been Around?
Since vaping became so popular seemingly suddenly, many are surprised to learn that vaping has been around for decades. While modern vaping has taken the industry to new heights, the humble beginnings of the industry can shed light on why vaping came to be in the first place.
Below, you'll learn about the history of vaping, as well as what triggered the population boom that the practice currently enjoys today.
A Brief History of Vaping
While vaping as we know it has been around for decades, the predecessors of the modern practice have been around for centuries. Ancient Egyptians would take a variety of herbs and oils and heat them on stone plates, which created vapor and fumes they enjoyed inhaling. While not "true" vaping, it certainly set the stage for contemporary smoking methods.
Hookahs, a smoking method using a water pipe, also have ancient origins. They originated in the Middle East and still continue a high level of popularity. Tobacco smoking has driven a lot of the development of modern smoking, but it was also one of the driving forces of the first modern vape being developed.
Who Invented Vaping?
Herbert Gilbert, an American scientist, filed a patent in 1963 for a "smokeless, non-tobacco cigarette." He was the first in the world to do so, and his vaping device, while unrefined, had many of the modern components found in modern vaporizers. It used a battery to heat vape liquid, which would create vapor that the user could enjoy.
Gilbert's vape juice, like modern vape juice, was infused with nicotine. He had intended to use his vaporizer as a smoking cessation device (similar to how vaping can be used today). He also made his vape liquid with a variety of flavors, marketing the product as a weight-loss tool since users could "vape" their favorite sweet dishes.
Before His Time
Unfortunately, Gilbert couldn't get any manufacturers to invest in the large-scale manufacturing of his device. Smoking was still widely accepted, highly profitable, and the famous Surgeon General's report warning of the dangers of tobacco use wouldn't be released until 1964. Despite his passion, Gilbert never saw success from his patent.
Eventually, his patent would expire, and vaping would be largely ignored for several more decades.
A Winning Design
It wouldn't be until 2003 when modern vaping would begin to take hold. Hon Lik, a Chinese pharmacist, became interested in novel tools to help people stop smoking when his father (who was a heavy smoker) died of lung cancer. He was inspired by Gilbert's original patent but modernized the design to make it more user-friendly and convenient.
The design he made would become the first modern e-cigarette. It was small, discreet, and looked very similar to a cigarette, but it produced vapor-infused nicotine instead of smoke. Unlike Gilbert's design, Lik's exploded in popularity. It spread across Asia, Europe, and eventually the United States.
While vaping has changed significantly since 2003, we can all thank Hon Lik for bringing it to the world stage.
How Long Has Vaping Been Around?
Depends on who you ask! Most will say that Herbert Gilbert officially brought the modern idea of vaping to the world, making the first battery-powered device that vaporized specialty liquid. Others may say that it was Hon Lik who made the first successful vaporizer design and brought the practice to the world stage.
Others may say that "vaping" has roots that are centuries old, looking to ancient practices like baking herbs and inhaling the fumes (like the Egyptians did). Regardless, the heart of the practice has been around for centuries!
How Vaping's Popularity Grew
Lik's design helped vaping become a more widespread practice, but his e-cigarette (which was limited in its functionality) isn't what caused vaping to really explode. While vaping steadily grew for the next several years, a brand-new design hit the market in 2010. It was a new product called a box mod.
Unlike the e-cigarettes and vape pens before it, box mods offered a full suite of features, a super-hefty battery, and enormous vape juice capacity. These features allowed vapers to easily create enormous vape clouds (which were similar to the smoke production from a hookah). Vapers loved the product and vaping exploded in popularity.
The Arrival of Pod Mods
While box mods really helped vaping explode, there were still barriers of entry that were difficult for some customers to overcome. Box mods were expensive, required a certain level of expertise to use, and needed regular maintenance to upkeep. For more casual vapers, box mods didn't scratch the convenience itch that so many had.
In 2015, yet another product entered the market. This time, it was Pax Labs and their now-famous JUUL products. They introduced a disposable, pre-filled vape that even brand-new vapers could quickly pick up and use. This shook the market up again, with a new wave of disposable vapes (and refillable vapes with similar designs) entering the market.
Unfortunately, pod mods like JUUL were a little too accessible to teens, especially minors who are not old enough to vape). Due to the skyrocketing popularity of nicotine-infused, fruity-flavored vape juices, the USA banned certain flavored vapes in 2020.
Modern History of Vaping
The modern history of vaping really begins with Hon Lik and his e-cigarette. His design kicked off the vaping craze, and while true e-cigarettes are often seen as dated nowadays, they were what kickstarted the modern vaping industry.
Since then, modern vaping has enjoyed several milestones, like box mods and pod mods. Vaping other substances, like dry herbs and concentrates, have also enjoyed increased popularity due to the acceptance of vaping increasing.
Modern Vaporizers: Components and How They Work
While the heart of a vaporizer hasn't changed much, a lot of new pieces of hardware have been developed and added since the humble days of the e-cigarette. Take a look at some of the common components found in today's vaporizers:
Just like in Gilbert's design, all modern vapes have a battery. While they vary in size or charge, they all serve the same purpose: to provide power to a heating element to produce vapor. Many vapes have built-in batteries that can't be removed, while others (like box mods) have replaceable batteries.
The atomizer is what the battery is providing power to. The atomizer can have a variety of heating elements (like cotton wicks, mesh coil, or other options) that will heat to vaporize the juice you have chosen. How the entire process works is simple!
First, the battery provides power to the atomizer, which will heat high enough to vaporize e-liquids. Then, the tank will drip liquid onto the heated atomizer, which will vaporize. The vapor travels through a designated vapor pathway, through a mouthpiece, into your lungs!
Atomizers are the most basic kind of heating element for e-liquids. While they do an excellent job of providing the authentic flavor of what you are vaping, they aren't very efficient with the juice. This will lead to frequent refillings, which may not be a dealbreaker for hardcore flavor-chasers, but casual vapers may not enjoy the regular maintenance.
Fortunately, there are two modern versions of atomizers that provide a more efficient vaping experience: cartomizers and clearomizers.
A cartomizer operates similarly to an atomizer, except it has a special component called a polyfill. A polyfill acts kind of like a wick, where it will soak up e-liquids and control how much juice is vaped at a time. This gives much longer vaping sessions since this is a much more efficient use of vape juice. You'll usually trade convenience for a slightly duller flavor.
As the name implies, a clearomizer is "clear," so you can see your chosen e-liquid inside. More importantly, clearomizers generally use a wick-feeding system (as opposed to the polyfill system in a cartomizer or a drip system in an atomizer). The wick allows vape juice to be used efficiently (so there are less refillings) and provides an excellent flavor.
Clearomizers are newer to the market, so they offer a lot of advantages. However, they are not without their drawbacks. Namely, if you want to try a new juice flavor, you'll need to replace the wick (which is often too technical for beginner vapers). Clearomizers are also significantly more expensive than cartomizers or atomizers, but you certainly get the quality you pay for.
Juice tanks (sometimes called cartridges) refer to the entire piece that holds your vape juice. They will include your atomizer (or whatever modern variation you'll be using), as well as the vapor path that connects to your mouthpiece. Tanks can come in a variety of configurations, including RBA tanks, which are meant to be opened and tinkered with by experienced vapers.
Finally, all modern vapes have some kind of mouthpiece. Glass, plastic, and silicone are common materials for this component, which all have their own pros and cons for use. Vapes that tend to run hot (like box mods) will usually have longer mouthpieces to distance your lips from the heated components.
The Future of Vaping
Vaping isn't going anywhere for a long time, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't expect changes. We really don't know much about vaping since modern vaping hasn't been studied that closely. There was a huge scare in 2020 when people were mysteriously getting a vaping illness (which turned out to be black market THC cartridges with harmful additives).
There's still a lot we don't know about how vaping affects the human body, and the more we learn, the more that our view of vaping may change. For now, vaping is often used to help stop smoking tobacco or simply as a hobby. Many vapers enjoy CBD oils to help treat a variety of physical ailments, like chronic pain or anxiety.
Others avoid vaping juices altogether and instead opt to vape concentrates or dry herbs with specialty devices like the Firefly 2+ Vaping dry herbs directly avoids a lot of the fears associated with using atomizers to vaporize e-liquids.
The more we learn about vaping, the more we'll talk about it! Be sure to check back to this knowledge base regularly to learn the latest on vaping.
Vape Guides
How Old Do You Have to Be to Vape?
Vaping continues to rise in popularity worldwide, but that increased popularity has also brought increased scrutiny in the industry. Laws regarding how old you have to buy a vape have recently changed, which could be a damper on easy access to your favorite vaping products.
Along with changing age restrictions for vaping, you may have noticed a change in the products available, too. Within the past five years, CBD vape oil and hemp have begun to pop up as vaping options, legal THC oils and marijuana is available for purchase in many states, and their legal status is often ambiguous.
If you're confused about how old you have to be to get a vape and what exactly you can vape, you're in the right spot. In this article, we'll discuss how old you have to be to buy vapes, vape in general, and the legal status of common substances you love to vape. We'll also look at the laws in other countries and talk about why vaping regulations have recently changed.
With that said, let's answer our first question. How old do you have to be to buy a vape?
How Old Do You Have to Be to Vape?
In the U.S., you have to be at least 21 years old to buy a vaping device or vaping products. It includes nicotine and nicotine-free e-juices, atomizers, box mods, and general vape batteries. Essentially, anything related to vaping in a meaningful way requires you to be at least 21 years old or older to purchase.
It includes devices for oil vaping, dry herb vaping, wax vaping, and most related components and accessories.
What Is the Legal Age to Vape?
It would be best if you also were at least 21 years old to own and use vaping products. The laws regulating how old you need to be to vape are similar to tobacco and alcohol use laws. Retailers cannot sell these products to customers under the age of 21, and citizens under the age of 21 are not allowed to own these products.
Remember, this doesn't just refer to controlled substances like nicotine, CBD, or THC. It relates to all vaping devices and most vaping components, including vape batteries.
Legal Age to Buy Vapes in the U.S.
In case there was any confusion, the nationwide legal age to vape in the U.S. is 21. This supersedes any country or state laws. Until recently, the federal vaping age was 18, and there were a variety of different states that had their specific rules regarding how old you have to be to vape.
This changed in 2019 when the federal vaping age was changed to 21. As a reminder, this includes all vaping substances (including nicotine-free e-liquids) and vaping products.
The Age to Vape in Countries Around the World
While the federal vaping age in the U.S. is 21, the age requirement will vary depending on what country you find yourself in. This was already true for controlled substances like alcohol, where countries like Germany and Italy have famously low drinking ages of 16.
In most countries, vaping is heavily regulated because many vape juices contain nicotine. Since e-juice vaping products often have nicotine, many governments regulate vaping in the same way that they regulate tobacco. Some countries restrict vaping more heavily than the U.S., opting to ban all vaping substances and vaping devices altogether.
As you may have imagined, vaping laws vary widely depending on what specific country you examine. Some countries ban vaping altogether, others have similar rules to the U.S., and some have more relaxed age restrictions.
First, let's start by taking a look at some of the countries that ban vaping outright:
Australia (nicotine-free vaping is still available to consumers)
Mexico (all vaping banned by Presidential decree in 2020)
Japan (nicotine-free vaping still available to consumers)
Most countries allow vaping in some form, depending on your age. The following countries have the same legal vaping age as the U.S., which is 21:
These countries have a minimum vaping age of 19 years old:
South Korea
Algeria (applies only to purchasing products. There are no age restrictions for use)
Most countries with a minimum vaping age state consumers need to be at least 18 years old to purchase and use vaping devices. Those countries include (but are not limited to):
Costa Rica
New Zealand
Finally, some countries have no minimum age to vape. Some of those countries include:
The central African Republic
The Gambia
If you plan on traveling and want to know whether or not you can legally vape, researching vape laws for your target destination is a must!
Other Vaping Restrictions
Remember, the vaping laws being discussed are specifically for e-cigarettes, usually infused with nicotine. Even though other substances can be vaped, like dry herbs and wax, they frequently have their specific restrictions, even if vaping is seen as primarily legal.
For example, you have to be 21 to vape anything in the U.S., but not all states allow vaping substances like cannabis. According to the DEA, it wasn't until 2016 that CBD was federally legalized, and THC is still considered a Schedule 1 substance. Each state has its legal status for cannabis, with some states allowing for recreational use, some states allowing only for medicinal use, and some states banning it entirely.
Flavored Disposable Vapes
If you are a fan of disposable vapes, you may have noticed a sudden decrease in flavor options. That's because the U.S. banned the sale of all prefilled, flavored vapes, except for tobacco and menthol flavors. The ban was put in place to reduce teen vaping since research suggests that fruity or mint flavors were the most popular among teens that vaped.
A substantial upward swing in teen vaping numbers was one of the primary reasons vaping laws began to change. We discuss this a bit more in detail below.
Why Was the Legal Age to Vape Raised to 21?
The primary reason the legal age to vape was raised to 21 in the U.S. was to address the epidemic of nicotine addiction being observed in minors. When looking at middle school and high school students, a 2019 study found that more than 10% of middle school students and nearly 30% of high school students had used an e-cigarette (vaping) product within that month.
Once the legal vaping age was raised, those numbers dropped significantly. In a study conducted in 2020, researchers found that the numbers decreased to 4.7% of middle school students and 19.6% of high school students.
Why Did the Age Increase Drop Vaping Numbers?
Why would increasing the vaping age decrease the number of minors vaping? After all, some age restriction has been in place in the U.S. for years now, but vaping numbers among middle school and high school students continued to increase until after the age was raised.
The reason is that raising the vaping age from 18 to 21 significantly reduced minors' access to vaping products. There are many 18-year-olds in high school, and many of these students were buying vaping products and supplying them to children. With an increased vaping age of 21 in effect, 18-year-olds no longer had easy access to buying vapes or vape juices.
The result of the decreased access was decreased vaping numbers. Both of these new restrictions have been effective in reducing the rate at which minors use vaping devices.
Why Does the Legal Age of Vaping Differ From Country to Country?
There are many different reasons that different countries have different vaping laws, and it's the same kinds of reasons that other controlled substances, like alcohol, have varying legal statuses.
Many countries have theocracy-like governments, which means religious values play a role in defining consumer laws. These kinds of countries are more likely to restrict nicotine use or outright ban it heavily. Other countries have a different cultural view of vaping or nicotine, so those laws are more relaxed.
Most developed countries have similar vaping laws because research is detailed that nicotine is not only highly addictive but it also has disastrous effects on youth brain development. If country leaders have access to and understand those kinds of studies, they are more likely to enact restrictions to limit youth access to products like nicotine.
In short, countries have different laws for vaping for the same reason they have other rules about a variety of various topics. If you plan on visiting a new country, always be sure to study what kinds of regulations there are regarding your favorite vaping habit.
If you're in the U.S., you'll have to wait until you're 21 to enjoy any vaping product or device. Once you reach the legal age to vape, you'll have a wide variety of products to choose from. You'll not only be able to select from e-liquid vapes with or without nicotine, but you'll be able to consider dry herb or wax vapes, too.
If you're considering dry herb vaping, you'll be hard-pressed to find a higher-quality option than the Firefly 2+. It uses state-of-the-art convection technology to quickly create delicious, smooth vapor from whatever dry herb you have chosen to enjoy.
In the market for a disposable THC oil pen? The Firefly Mini is a fantastic option for convenient oil vaping while on the go. It's available in a variety of different THC strains, and it maintains the high level of quality you've come to expect from Firefly.
Take a look at what vaping options Firefly has available that may be a good fit for your legal vaping needs.
Vape Guides
Can You Bring a Vape on a Plane?
While vaping has been around for decades (you may be surprised by how long vaping has been around), rules and regulations about when and where you can vape are slowly catching up. This is especially true at airports and on airplanes, which regularly review and revamp guidelines for what you can and can't bring on planes.
Unexpected hurdles can cause major travel interruptions, especially if you have a high-end device you can't fly with! In this article, we'll detail exactly how to fly with your favorite vaping device. This includes not only following general guidelines for what you're allowed to bring but also the best safety tips to make sure your device gets from point A to point B without damage.
Let's tackle the big question first! Can you bring a vape on a plane?
Can You Travel with Your Vape Supplies?
If you want a regular hit of nicotine or need doses of CBD for health reasons, being able to fly with your preferred vaping supplies can make or break travel plans. Fortunately, if you're flying within North America (the U.S., Canada, or Mexico), you should have little to no problems flying with most vaping supplies, as long as they are strictly nicotine or CBD vaping products.
Can You Travel with Your THC Vape Supplies?
You cannot travel with any kind of THC product. Currently, THC (the chemical compound found in cannabis that gets users high) is a Schedule 1 prohibited substance in the United States. Airports are governed by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA), which means airports fall under federal jurisdiction.
Even if you live in a state that has recreational marijuana available, you should never bring it to the airport. If you have devices or glassware that has marijuana residue, that could be enough for confiscation or fines. The best advice is to leave your weed vape supplies securely at home!
Can You Travel Internationally with Your Vape Supplies?
It depends on which country you're going to. Many countries have outright banned all vaping substances and equipment. Do not attempt to smuggle vaping equipment into countries that have a broad ban. You could end up with hefty fines or even getting arrested.
Below, you'll find a list of countries that have a broad, strict ban on all vaping supplies:
Hong Kong
Just like in the U.S., the law about vaping tends to change quickly. Even if your destination country is not on this list, you should review the most recent regulations they may have regarding vaping supplies.
Can You Travel with CBD and Hemp Vape Supplies?
This is a gray area that travelers should be cautious about. It is perfectly legal to travel with hemp and CBD since both have been federally legal since 2018. However, law enforcement officers (and the TSA) may still confiscate anything that looks like marijuana, even if you have documentation to the contrary.
To avoid possible problems or loss of product, we don't recommend traveling with hemp since it can be difficult to distinguish from marijuana. CBD-infused vape juice and oils are easier to travel with, though you should still carry documentation stating that the products do not contain THC above the federal limit.
Carry-On Only: How to Transport Your Supplies
If you are traveling to or within a vape-friendly country, you almost certainly can bring all of your vaping supplies (barring THC products, of course). However, there are certain rules on how you can bring them onto a plane. Namely, vape supplies can only be transported in your carry-on luggage.
This rule isn't unique to vaping devices, either. Any item that is powered by a battery cannot be stored on checked luggage. Any vape pen, box mod, or other vaping devices will need to be on your person on the plane. If for some reason, you can't carry it, you will have to throw it away before boarding the plane. Make sure you have carry-on space for your vape!
Traveling with Vape Juice
Your vape juice can be brought in your carry-on or your checked luggage. If you want to have it in your carry-on, you'll need to make sure that it is in a container that holds less than 3.4oz (100mL), which is the standard rule for all carry-on liquids.
If you have a bigger bottle you want to travel with, you'll need to pack it in your checked luggage.
Pack Your Vape Supplies Carefully
The last thing you want is to break a high-end box mod or have a spill of sticky e-liquid. You should take time to properly pack all your vaping supplies to avoid damage to expensive equipment and unexpected messes!
Packing a Box or Pod Mod
You should disassemble your device as much as possible before packing (especially removing any connected accessories, like vape tanks). Connection points are weak, which can lead to easier device damage should your bag get tossed around.
Once disassembled (as much as possible), wrap your device in bubble wrap, a shirt, or something that is soft and cushiony. You want to avoid getting abrasions on your device as well as cushioning it from damage from other items in your bag.
Finally, pack the device away from the outside of your bag. This will give ample protection from damage should something impact your carry-on or if you drop your bag. Most airlines also allow for a "personal item" (a small bag like a purse or backpack) to be always kept with you. If you have space for your vaping supplies, this would be an ideal storage area!
Packing Vape Juice
A vape juice spill in your carry-on can be an absolute traveling disaster. You can’t be too safe in making sure you prevent spills, so look at the following recommendations to keep vape juice in their containers!
Make sure the lid of your e-liquid bottle is securely tightened.
Wrap masking tape around the bottle to close any holes that may leak.
Place the bottles in a Zip-Lock bag or other waterproof containers.
With multiple layers of protection like this, it will be unlikely that you will experience any unfortunate spills while traveling.
Packing Dry Herb and Concentrate Vapes
While we don’t recommend traveling with your dry herb or concentrate supply (like hemp or CBD wax), the devices themselves can be brought with no trouble. Make sure to thoroughly clean the heating chamber before packing since the TSA may confiscate the device if it smells or has a residue that indicates marijuana or THC product use.
Once cleaned, wrap your device in a soft cloth or bubble wrap (similarly to how you would pack a disassembled box mod). Keep it away from the edges of your bag, and consider carrying it with you in your personal item instead of your carry-on.
Can You Bring a Vape on a Plane?
Yes! As long as you follow the above guidelines, you can bring your favorite vaping device onto your plane. If you are traveling internationally, be sure to check the legal status of vaping supplies. You can't check your vape devices, but they will be welcome in your carry-on or personal item.
If you are traveling with CBD products, you should bring proof that it is not a THC product. It can be difficult to tell the difference between the two, and TSA agents have the final say on what can and cannot be brought onto planes.
Can You Bring a Vape on a Plane Under 21?
Surprisingly, yes! Even though you have to be 21 to buy vaping products, the TSA typically won't confiscate vaping devices from passengers under 21 years old. Their role is to keep dangerous materials off planes (not enforce age restrictions on certain devices or substances).
While we don't recommend those under the age of 21 vapes, those wondering if you can bring a vape on a plane under 21 can rest assured that they can.
Can You Vape in the Airport?
Airports treat vaping as they treat smoking, and since you can't smoke at most airports, you won't be able to vape in most airports, either. There are a few airports (like Nashville International) that have designated smoking lounges where you can also vape, but those lounges are few and far between.
Currently, airports like Dulles International, Miami International, Barcelona International, and McCarren are some of the few airports that allow vaping in some capacity. They'll still have specific, dedicated spaces for vaping (just like they do for smoking), so double-check to see where their dedicated smoking areas or lounges are located.
You should always check the specific airports you intend to travel to in order to see if they have updated their vaping rules. Again, regulations regarding vaping tend to change quickly, so it's best to check the most up-to-date information available.
Specific Airline Policies on Vaping
While each airline uses different wording in their policies, they all point to the same conclusion: you are never allowed to vape on a plane under any circumstance. The U.S. Department of Transportation has a clear policy prohibiting vaping on flights, and fines for vaping on planes range from $2-$4000.
If you've tampered with smoke detectors or are seen as ignoring the instructions of a flight attendant, you could be arrested and permanently banned from that specific airline (or flying altogether).
Simply put, it is not worth the risk. Never attempt to vape on an airplane.
How to Take Care of Your Vape Abroad
Taking care of your vaping device while traveling abroad is simple. You'll want to follow the standard procedures of how to vape to keep your device in working order. Keep in mind that vaping products or replacement parts may be more difficult to find (depending on the make and model of your device), so pack extras if you plan on an extended stay.
Of course, remember to make sure that vaping is legal in the country you're going to!
Be Prepared for Safety
There are a few tips you can follow to be sure you fly as safely as possible with your vaping device. This is all prep that should be done before you enter the airport:
If you want to vape immediately after landing, make sure your vape is charged before boarding your plane. You are not allowed to charge battery-powered devices (like vapes) on planes.
Empty all e-liquid out of your vape tank. It is possible your device will leak when the air pressure in the cabin changes.
Turn off your vape before boarding. While rare, devices can misfire (causing shorts or electrical fires), which is extremely dangerous if it occurs while in the air.
Stay Safe When You Travel
As long as you adhere to the law, you won't have a problem traveling with your vape. Once at your destination, be courteous with your vaping, especially if in a different country. Even if vaping is legal, there may be different cultural norms regarding when and where you can vape. Be thoughtful and polite and be a good guest for wherever you may be visiting!
Vape Guides
How To Get Much Better Flavor From Your Vape Whenever You Want
How long has vaping been around? Decades. Why? The flavorful hits vaping produces is one reason.Good vape flavor is what everyone who vapes wants, don’t they? But maybe you’re not getting the great vaping taste that you desire. So then, how do you get the best flavor from your vape?Clouds are cool. Many vapers, especially newbies, tend to focus too much on the vapor they exhale. Instead, shouldn’t we care more about the flavor they inhale?To each their own, but why not both? You can puff out powerfully and still enjoy the terrific taste.Let’s look at how to get more flavor from your vape.
Why You’re Not Getting Good Flavor from Your Vape Device
What’s going wrong with your vape hit? Why isn’t the experience more intense? What kinds of things interfere with getting the best taste?Here are some key factors to consider:
Power – adjusting the wattage on your device can be a quick fix to enhance your experience.
Consider your coils and tanks and upgrade your equipment if necessary.
Wicks are crucial, and having the right material might make a significant difference.
A low battery won’t vaporize as efficiently.
Clean your device so that residue doesn’t reduce the flavor.
And there could be more factors like these. Now, let’s start looking at some of these in detail that will help resolve your issues so you can enjoy a better puff.
Choosing Good Vape Gear for the Best Flavor
Getting good flavor means having the right gear—both your coil and your tank influence the taste. Some things to keep in mind:• Coils should be of the sub-ohm type. That means their resistance is below 1.0 ohms. This low resistance promotes vape hits that are delicious and give dense vapor. • The type of coil is important. It should be made of mesh. Coils that are mesh offer more surface area. That way, e-liquid contacts more of the coil for better heating. That will make the smoke more succulent.• Mouth to lung vaping is another way to maximize benefits. In this instance, you need coils designed for less airflow. That will make hits more savory but less smoky. Big clouds don’t always mean more enjoyment.
Choose Quality Materials
When it comes to wicks, there are two good options: cotton and wire.Connoisseurs prefer cotton. Organic cotton, not commercial cotton balls. Typical swabs are bleached with chlorine. Chlorine is terrible for your lungs.But organic cotton wicks are known for enjoyable hits—no harsh chemicals. You get the most from your e-liquid with a natural cotton coil.Wire works well, too. Specifically, we're talking about an iron, chrome, aluminum alloy called Kanthal. This wire has a good reputation for flavorful vaping. It offers the right resistance for excellent vape heating.What you don’t want is nickel or silica. Both leave you with an unpleasant aftertaste.
Adjust Vape Wattage
This is the easiest way to set things right. The wattage controls the coil temperature.E-liquids respond differently to varying temperatures. A thick vape juice might require a higher temperature to bring out the best experience. You may have to experiment to find the level you need.A variable wattage vape will give you the control to find the optimum temperature. Most vapes have a power button that cycles through low, medium, and high temperatures.And all that temperature control requires a good battery.
Checking Your Vape Battery
Like a smartphone, a vape device needs charging. And it functions best when it is fully charged. If it fails to recharge, then the battery may warrant replacing.Vaping devices come with charging cables. Like most electronics, a red light glows while charging. And green signifies that it is fully charged.Battery location varies depending on the vape, but it’s not hard to find. Replacement batteries are lithium. They are commonly found at vape supply stores.And a fully powered battery will heat coils nicely. But the coils should also be clean.
How To Clean Tanks and Vape Coils?
After a while, using your vaping equipment repeatedly results in residue buildup. Coils become clogged, and airflow is increasingly reduced.Keep it clean if you want your device to function well and produce the most flavorful hits. Cleanliness keeps everything working and prolongs the life of vape, coils, and tanks. Here’s how to clean vape coils and other parts thoroughly:1) Disassemble the unit.2) Fill a small bowl with warm water or isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Mild dish soap may also help remove residue.3) You can use a toothbrush to scrub the tank and coils.4) Rinse everything under tap water to ensure all soap or alcohol is removed. 5) Let the pieces air dry on a paper towel.6) Reassemble everything when it is dry.
More Tips for Maximizing Vape Flavor
There are a few more things that can maximize mouthwatering vapor. In addition to the above, try the following:• Maybe give another e-juice a try. Some are just tastier than others.• Try to avoid what’s called ‘vaper’s tongue’! Puffing the same e-liquid all the time leads to less sensitivity to its effects and flavors. Changing up to something different now and again sometimes does the trick.• Keep your e-juice stored correctly. Someplace dark, dry, and cool works best. Also, mind the ‘best if used by’ date.• Lastly, something very simple, shake up your e-liquid well before opening and using it.
If you know how to get more flavor from your vape, satisfaction can be yours. Should you get no flavor from your device, now you know what to do. It isn’t too hard to find and fix the problem. Or to ensure you get the taste you want before you even puff. It can be as simple as using the right e-juice. And a regular weekly cleaning will go a long way towards lush and delicious vapor. Dedicated flavor chasers will put in a little extra work for tastier hits.Now go forth, vape, and enjoy!