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Vapor Love Is In The Air

Vapor Love Is In The Air

Happy Valentine’s Day to our Firefly Family!  We are sending you all the positive vapor vibrations – can you feel it?? In honor of the holiday, we want to show some love to a few of our favorite woman crushes 🙂

First up is the uber-talented etheral art angel and LA-based photographer, Elena Kulikova. 

“Firefly takes me to magical places and lifts me up on a yummy cloud to elevated creativity!” 

Check out Elena’s Instagram account for some sexy inspiration



Dee Dussault, the creator of San Francisco’s favorite Ganja Yoga class also teaches tantra and meditative loving touch.  We love her laidback style and her powerful combination of spirituality and sexuality.

“Vaping allows me the opportunity to mindfully taste and smell cannabis.  It sets the tone for a mindful yoga practice or tantra session”

Dee has a “Ganja Yoga” book coming out this spring with Herper Collins.

Learn More Here


Ashley Manta, the Cannasexual, has created a job for herself where she experiments and teaches about cannabis and sex. Sounds fun! Why is Firefly one of Ashley’s favorite cannasex toys?

“That long, slow inhale is great for getting you present and into your body.  You can shotgun hits too. That’s what I’m doing with partners that aren’t as comfortable with concentrates as I am”

Get a taste of Firefly’s cannasexapades with Ashley in her article: “Starting off 2017 with a bang: My NYE Threesome”

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